The Chobe National Park had many villages that were within the reserve. Ijembwe Village was the place that I went to first. It was the closest to the to the lodge so it was within walking distance. It took about 30/45 minutes to there. The village was surrounded by handmade fences made from papyrus and palms.

After they have completed kindergarten they go to another village to receive the higher education. One of the teachers said that she enjoyed teaching the alphabet as her favorite thing. After the school room, I was invited to join them and watch them sing and dance. They were very inviting and I even got the chance to dance along with them. They opened to their market in which I purchased a oval bowl-like container. I had talked personally with Victor, the 'guide', and I asked him in his opinion of what tourism has done to change their way of life. He responded by saying that they usually have people visit their village on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and one more day depending. He said that everyone in the village enjoys the visitors because it gives them the chance to share their culture with us. It also helps with their very small economy within the village for them to be able to survive because everything they do they get it from the environment. The other money helps with whatever else needs to be covered. The lodge that I am staying also helps with the village making sure some of their profit is donated to them since we are on 'their land'. He only hires the people from Ijembwe Village to help maintain his lodge like making food and doing laundry. The manager in charge, Simon, is a native from Nigeria. He ensues the culture is here and stays within the country too. One way he conserved energy was by having a generator with a timer so that it only ran from 8am-11pm.
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